Words to the Wise
The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County’s (AAABC) Words to the Wise is a pen pal program that invites community members to send positive, encouraging messages to older adults experiencing feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety due to isolation and lack of socialization. This program helps older adults in Broward County by fostering intergenerational friendships and providing a creative outlet for participants to express their feelings and connect to a caring person, which reinforces they are not alone. Volunteers can write to a specific older adult citizen or write a generic care card to any program participant.
To signup for the Words to the Wise Program CLICK HERE.
For more information or for questions, please contact volunteers@adrcbroward.org.
Click here for more information

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County Telephone Reassurance Service
What is ConnectingWithU?
ConnectingWithU is a free, telephone reassurance service that provides emotional support for older adults in Broward County. ConnectingWithU offers an individualized, emotionally safe space for older adults to express their feelings and concerns while staying interconnected to others from the comfort of their own home. ConnectingWithU calls can prevent older adults from feeling isolated, becoming depressed, requiring medical services, or potentially institutional placement as a result of being disconnected from human interaction and emotional instability.
Interested in volunteering or have questions?
Please fill out the ConnectingWithU volunteer application and submit the application to volunteers@adrcbroward.org.
Volunteer form: Download