Empowered Partners is an intergenerational program that connects older adults with college student companions. The program is a collaboration between the United Way of Broward County, The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County and local universities.
Participating college students are partnered with an elderly companion where they have the ability to learn new skills, gain practical experience, understanding and insight.
Older adults who join the program can experience a reduction in feelings of isolation and loneliness, and an increased sense of purpose when they share their skills and experience. In addition, they are also able to learn from their college companion. For more information please call 954-745-9567 ext 10292
Empowered Partners - Quotes by Raquel Kanes (student) and Herminia “Nina” Neron (older adult)
Question - What does the Empowered Partners program mean to you?
RK: “To me, the program means everything. When I first started the program, I didn't know what to expect, but now I feel like Nina is my family.”
HN: “The program means a lot to me in that I spend a lot of time alone, and it gives me the opportunity to connect with someone. Raquel is a sweet and loving girl, and I really enjoy her company. She seems to care about me and enjoys being here, which is good for someone like me because I don't get to see a lot of people .”