DCCI Task Force

Dementia Care and Cure Initiative (DCCI) Task Force

The DCCI Task Force is composed of local Broward community leaders charged with developing dementia caring communities in Broward County.  Florida has the second-highest incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in the nation – only behind California. There are approximately 580,000 individuals currently living with Alzheimer’s disease in the state of Florida with projections that more than 720,000 individuals will be living with the disease by 2025. These figures do not include other forms of dementia or the millions who serve as caregivers. 


The DCCI Task Force is charged with developing dementia caring communities in Broward County. The Goals of the Task Force are to:

1.    Increase awareness of dementia, services, and supports programs. Accomplished through educational events, the media, and joint efforts with community leaders and stakeholders, including partnering state agencies. 

2.    Provide assistance to dementia caring communities. Each participating community is supported by the Department of Elder Affairs to produce and implement community-specific action-oriented plans. 

3.    Continue advocacy for care and cure programs. Advocating for the funding of programs that care for both those diagnosed with dementia.

If you are interested in joining the Task Force, please contact Chief Executive Officer Charlotte Mather-Taylor at mathertaylorc@adrcbroward.org or by calling 954-745-9567.

For more information on Alzheimer's Disease Services, click HERE.

To learn about our Empowering Caregiver Conference, click HERE


Looking for information or an expert speaker on the topics of dementia or Alzheimer's disease?

Our Dementia Care and Cure Initiative Task Force members are available to provide valuable up-to-date educational information. To schedule a presentation or more information please email us at communications@adrcbroward.org.



Charlotte Mather-Taylor, Chair

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County


Dr. Caryn Blair, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC

Caring for the Caregiver, Inc.


Cari Eyre, Dementia Director

Department of Elder Affairs


Amber Ladd, DCCI Coordinator

Department of Elder Affairs


Alan Beyda

SarahCare Adult Day Care Center of Coral Springs


Jennifer Braisted

Alzheimer's Association of SE Florida


Darlene Brown-Ponder

Tender Loving Care Adult Day Health Center


Antoinette Buckham-Charles 

Broward Health North
Memory Disorder Center


Andrea Busada, Director

Broward County Elderly and Veterans Services


Commissioner Anthony Caggiano

City of Margate


Tim Curtin

Memorial Healthcare System


Katrina Davenport, Director

SouthCentral SouthEast Focal Point


Irma M. Diaz

Homewatch CareGivers of Southwest Broward


Lessep Duncan

Broward County Elderly and Veterans Services


Heidi Friedman, Esquire

Friedman Elder Law Department


Deborah Germain

Comprehensive Center for Brain Health


Diann Geronemus, LCSW, CCM

Community Advocate


Deborah Golden

Florida Department of Children & Families


Shelly Greenberg

Community Advocate


Terry Lieberman

Northwest Focal Point Senior Center


Elizabeth Lombardo

Area Agency on Aging in Broward County


Claudia Moore

Comprehensive Center for Brain Health


Love Ondusko-Levy

Florida Department of Health in Broward County


Naushira Pandya, M. D.

Nova Southeastern University


Cynthia S. Peterson

Broward County Medical Association


Renee Podolsky

Department of Health


Lymari Rivera

Mount Sinai Medical Center


Traci Schweitzer

Florida Department of Children & Families


Ingrid Simpson

Florida Department of Children & Families


Philip Solomon

Philip Solomon and Associates


Steven Strumpf

Oakmont Village of Davie


Rosanna Tavares

SouthCentral SouthEast Focal Point


Sweta Tewary, PhD, MSW, MS

Nova Southeastern University