What is ConnectingWithU?
ConnectingWithU is a free, telephone reassurance service that provides emotional support for older adults living in Broward County.
Regular human interaction is important for maintaining happiness and emotional stability. When we are alone and feeling lonely, it’s only a short walk to feeling isolated and depressed. Feeling isolated, becoming depressed, can be harmful to our health and increase our need for medical services.
ConnectingWithU offers older adults, from the comfort of their own home, a safe space to connect with others and express their thoughts, feelings and concerns. It’s a great way to safely have a friendly connection and supports older adults in maintaining their independence.
Would you like someone to Connect with you or a loved one?
If you are 60 years of age or older and live in Broward County, then you, or a family member, friend or caregiver, can register you with the ConnectingWithU program and connect you with a Phone Pal volunteer.
You will receive regularly scheduled checkup calls from a Phone Pal volunteer either weekly or more frequently, if requested. You will be able to engage in a friendly conversation and be referred to select resources in the community that can improve your quality of life.
If you or someone you know could benefit from weekly telephone reassurance calls, contact the Area Agency on Aging Helpline at 954-745-9779 or email Helpline@adrcbroward.org to register for the program.
How can you become a ConnectingWithU volunteer?
We always need volunteers to assist us with this vital program.
To be a ConnectingWithU Phone Pal volunteer you will need access to a phone, computer and the internet. Applicants must also:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be willing to consent to a background check
- Be willing to commit to the program for a minimum of three months
- Participate in the ConnectingwithU training programs
- Adhere to the standards and policies of the Area Agency on Aging of Broward County
Click here to fill out a volunteer application.
For more information regarding the ConnectingWithU program, please (954) 745-9567 or email volunteers@adrcbroward.org.