Hillmont Gardens
2001 NW 9th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Hillmont Gardens is a 124-unit non-profit elderly apartment facility sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging of Broward County through HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program.
Applicants must be 62 or older, and/or mobility impaired. Income limits and other federal rules apply. Residents pay 30% of their income for rent and the remainder is funded by HUD. The facility is 100% occupied with a waiting list for residency.
Residents have access to a range of programs and services. Some of these include Case Management and Referral, Socialization and Recreational programs, Nutrition and Meals programs, Consumer Education and Protection, and Transportation. The facility has also been rated among the elite in the nation on physical inspections conducted by HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center.
There is a tremendous shortage of affordable housing in Broward County. Hillmont Gardens is a tremendous asset to the community where our residents have a wonderful home at an affordable price.
Hillmont Gardens was founded by the Area Agency in 1987. Thus, 2022 marks our 35 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - with many more to come!
Homeowner Assistance Fund
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's Homeowner Assistance Fund may be able to offer relief for mortgage payments and other homeowner expenses such as home energy services, internet, property and/or flood insurance, property taxes, and homeowner or condominium association fees. For more information please visit the Homeowner Assistance Fund Website or you can call 833-987-8997 or email questions to HomeownerAssistanceFund@DEO.MyFlorida.com
Additionally, Florida DEO has a Customer Assistance Center in Fort Lauderdale at 2151 NW 6th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 open Monday through Friday 9 am - 5 pm and Saturday 9 am - 1 pm.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Broward County continues to help residents that need assistance with rent through its Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). This includes those who need help with past-due rent and utilities, relocation expenses, and up to three months of future rent.
Broward County has now expanded the program to cover three months of rent for eligible residents who have experienced a rent increase this year. Residents are encouraged to apply, even if they have applied before and were denied.
To learn more about ERAP assistance program, and how to apply, click here.
Affordable Rental Assistance
Did you know that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation have an online search tool to help renters locate affordable housing?
This free resource is available 24/7 and allows you to search for housing that fits your individual needs and income levels. A toll-free, bilingual call center is also available Monday – Friday for those without Internet access.
Housing Program for Unsheltered Seniors
The Elder Haven & Hope Program provides priority enhanced services to the elderly (60 and older) population who experience homelessness and are at-risk because of their age, psychological and physical health condition. For more information visit
United Way’s MISSION UNITED can assist older veterans and their families in preventing and ending homelessness. Please call 211 or 954-4-UNITED or email pcalvo@unitedwaybroward.org.
Visit FloridaHousingSearch.org or call 1-877-428-8844 to get started.