Hurricane Season
June – November 30
Broward County Hurricane Preparedness Guide
Guía de Preparación Para Huracanes del Condado de Broward
Broward County Hurricane Prep Checklist for Pets
Preparing for Hurricanes as a Dementia Caregiver (article)
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Dementia Caregivers
Broward County Special Needs Shelter Registration
The Florida Division of Emergency Management, in coordination with Broward County’s emergency management agency, developed a registry to allow residents with special needs to register with their local emergency management agency to receive assistance during a disaster. Learn More about the program.
Vulnerable Population Registry
The Vulnerable Population Registry is a tool that municipalities can use to help evaluate resident needs in their communities and assist in planning a response in an emergency. While registering in the database is not a guarantee that you will be provided services or placed on a priority list for responders, it will help responders be better prepared to meet your needs in a recovery. View Details here.
Tropical Depressions are cyclones with winds of 38 mph.
Tropical Storms vary in wind speeds from 39-73 mph
Hurricanes have winds of 74 mph and greater.
Typically the upper right quadrant of the storm (the center wrapping around the eye) is the most intense portion of the storm. The greatest threats are damaging winds, storm surges and flooding. Here are some important terms you may hear:
- Tropical Storm Watch: Tropical storm conditions are possible in the area.
- Hurricane Watch: Hurricane conditions are possible in the area. Watches are issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical storm force winds.
- Tropical Storm Warning: Tropical storm conditions are expected in the area.
- Hurricane Warning: Hurricane conditions are expected in the area. Warnings are issued 36 hours in advance of tropical storm force winds.
- Eye: Clear, sometimes the well-defined center of the storm with calmer conditions.
- Eye Wall: Surrounding the eye, contains some of the most severe weather of the storm with the highest wind speed and largest precipitation.
- Rain Bands: Bands coming off the cyclone produce severe weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind and tornadoes.
- Storm Surge: An often underestimated and deadly result of ocean water swelling due to a land falling storm, quickly flooding coastal and sometimes areas further inland.
During a watch, prepare your home and evacuation plan in case a warning is issued.
During a warning, carefully follow the directions of officials, and immediately leave the area if they advise it.
In the event of an Extreme Wind Warning/Advisory, which means that extreme sustained winds of 115 mph or greater are expected to begin within an hour, immediately take shelter in the interior portion of a well-built structure.
Hurricane Kits
It is important to create a kit of supplies that you could take with you if you have to evacuate. This kit will also be helpful if you can stay in your home but are affected by the storm, such as through the loss of power. One common trend seen when hurricanes are approaching is widespread panic. When this happens, people rush in large numbers to get all the supplies they think they need. However, if you prepare your kit ahead of time, you can alleviate a lot of the potential stress of a very chaotic situation. You should create your kit in a bag you can easily take. Some recommended items to include are:
- Non-perishable food (enough to last at least 3 days)
- Water (enough to last at least 3 days)
- First-aid kit (include any prescription medication you may need)
- Personal hygiene items and sanitation items
- Flashlights (have extra batteries on hand)
- Battery-operated radio (again, have extra batteries)
- Waterproof container with cash and important documents
- Manual can opener
- Lighter or matches
- Books, magazines, games for recreation
- Special needs items: pet supplies and baby supplies if applicable
- Cooler and ice packs
- A plan for evacuation and for if family members are separated
Securing Your Home
Know how to secure your home in the event of damaging winds, storm surge and flooding.
- Cover all of your windows, either with hurricane shutters or wood.
- Although tape can prevent glass from shattering everywhere, be warned that tape does not prevent the window from breaking.
- If possible, secure straps or clips to securely fasten your roof to the structure of your home.
- Make sure all trees and shrubs are trimmed and clear rain gutters.
- Reinforce your garage doors.
- Bring in all outdoor furniture, garbage cans, decorations, and anything else that is not tied down.
- If winds become strong, stay away from windows and doors and close, secure and brace internal doors.
Flood Zones
Residents and businesses in Broward County are encouraged to view the current flood zones map and FEMA's flood zones to understand flood risk and what they can do to protect their home: Flood Zone Maps FEMA Flood Maps (
Power Outages
If a storm leaves you without power, there are a few things to consider and help you be ready and stay safe outside of your everyday hurricane preparedness.
- Gas: Make sure your tank is full before an approaching storm. Most people wait until the last minute, rush to get extra gas for cars and generators, and subsequently, gas stations can run out early.
- ATMs: Have extra cash on hand in the event no ATMs in your area are accessible or working.
- Cell Phones: Charge your cell phone and limit use after power is out.
- A/C: This can be the most uncomfortable side effect of losing power during a storm. Try to prevent as much light from entering and warming the house by covering up your windows on the inside. If you have a back-up or battery-operated fans, don't run them unless you are in the room. It is said they can actually add heat to a room just by running. Fans create a difference in perceived temperature but do not cool the room; instead they create a cooling effect by dispersing the heat off your skin. • Water: Fill the bathtub and large containers with water for washing and flushing only.
- Food: Turn your fridge temperature down and/or freeze any food or drinking water that can be frozen if you expect a power outage. Here is a guide on freezing food: Freezing and Food Safety. Have a cooler with ice packs prepared to cool your drinks and snacks after power has been out for more than 4 hours. And importantly, check out this food safety guide for when to discard your perishable food:
- Health/Safety: The CDC has a great guide on how to stay safe in the event of a power outage: Power Outages
Utility Resources
Florida Power and Light has a page to help you all stay ready for a storm with information about generators, electronic vehicles preparation, and tree trimming please refer to this website: FPL | Storm | Prepare Your Home
They also have a website prepared for businesses: FPL | Storm | Prepare Your Business
If you do encounter a situation where you are experiencing a power outage or are concerned about if friends or family have power FPL has a website where you can check the status of a power outage here: Web Outage Landing (
Early Prescription Refills
Early Prescription Refills are allowed in the event that the Governor declares a state of emergency. He has currently declared a state of emergency for 51 counties including Broward.
All health insurers, managed care organizations, and other entities that are licensed by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and provide prescription medication coverage as part of a policy or contract shall waive time restrictions on prescription medication refills.
The waiver also includes suspension of electronic “refill too soon” edits to pharmacies, to enable insureds or subscribers to refill prescriptions in advance, if there are authorized refills remaining. The law also authorizes payment to pharmacies for at least a 30-day supply of any prescription medication, regardless of the date upon which the prescription has most recently been filled by a pharmacist.
If a pharmacist cannot obtain a refill authorization from the prescriber, the pharmacist may dispense a one-time emergency refill of up to a 72-hour supply of the prescribed medication or a one-time emergency refill of one vial of insulin to treat diabetes mellitus, irrespective of the issuance of an executive order.
Price Gouging
During a storm-related declared state of emergency, state law prohibits excessive increases in the price of essential commodities, such as food, water, hotel rooms, ice, gasoline, lumber, equipment and storm-related services needed as a direct result of the event. Anyone who suspects price gouging can report it to the Florida Attorney General’s Office by visiting or calling 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.
FloridaDisaster biz is a website developed to provide businesses, small and large, access to critical information before, during and after a disaster. is a partnership between the Florida Commerce and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM).
Click here to learn more and register your business today.
To learn more about resources that Florida Chamber of Commerce might have please refer to their website: Create a Disaster Plan for Your Business – Florida Chamber of Commerce (
FEMA Information
Tips/Lessons learned from Hurricane Irma.
Please consider when applying for FEMA
1. FEMA disaster assistance applications will be accepted for 60 days from the disaster declaration date.
2. Apply for FEMA even if insured
3. FEMA question, “are you willing to relocate” answer yes
4. Only one application per household for FEMA. No multiple applications under the same address but different names
5. Undocumented apply with children’s social. The parent or guardian of a minor child who is a U. S. Citizen, non-citizen national, or a qualified alien applies for assistance on behalf of the child, as long as they live in the same household. The parent or legal guardian must register as the co-applicant, and the minor child must be under the age of 18 at the time the disaster occurred.
6. Do not apply for local rental assistance until exhausted FEMA rental assistance.
7. Mobile home owners must put owner, even if they rent the lot, to receive repairs funds
8. Make sure to take before and after pictures for insurance of personal property
9. Email insurance to inform of the damages to the home even before you can get the insurance company on the phone
10. Keep appealing if denied
11. Keep receipts for hotel stay
12. Do not duplicate benefits.
13. Pack your patience
14. Take a picture of the food in the refrigerator for insurance
15. FEMA application must be the primary residence
Disaster Planning Toolkit For People Living With Dementia
Disaster Preparedness Guide and Video for Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer's
General Disaster Preparedness
Being prepared for a disaster is critical. Being properly prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and the losses that accompany disasters. ... It can also help you to sometimes avoid the danger completely.
The Department’s Emergency Coordinating Officer coordinates with the Florida Division of Emergency Management on emergency preparedness issues and post-disaster response. The Department ensures that the Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers have all-hazards Disaster and Continuity of Operations Plans to be implemented during a threat of imminent disaster.
Your safety in a disaster depends heavily on your own actions, and developing a survival plan is the first and most important step.
Below are links to some helpful websites to help you prepare:
Department of Elder Affairs Disaster Preparedness Page
Family Disaster Plan - Review your individual or family disaster plan. Your family or close friends need to know how to locate each other in the event of a disaster.
Disaster Supply Kit - Contains a recommended supply list for you, your family, and your pets.
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders:
2019 Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders - English
2019 Guía de Preparación para Casos de Desastres - Spanish
Additional Useful Links and Information:
Broward County Hurricane Preparedness website
National Hurricane Center website
AARP Hurricane Preparedness, Response & Resources
WWW.DISASTERASSISTANCE.GOV provides news, information and resources to prepare for disasters, help keep your family safe during an emergency, and to recover afterwards. It also provides information on how you might be able to get help from the U.S. Government before, during and after a disaster. If the President of the United States makes help available to individuals in your community after a disaster, you can visit this site to apply online.
500 C Street SW
Washington, DC 20472
Website: Email:
This website educates and empowers Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The Ready site explains three key things: (1) get an emergency supply kit, (2) make a family emergency plan, and (3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses. Planning tool forms are available on line.
Fees: Free Service
What you need to know now about COVID-19 in Florida.
The below links will provide you up to date information on COVID-19
FL Department of Health COVID-19 Website
Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Website
Is Covid-19 similar to the Flu or Common Cold?
Have questions about the Vaccine?
COVID-19 Anxiety Workbook