
Success Story: Minor Home Repair Program

Client 1 - Pat

When Pat’s daughter came to visit her, she was appalled at the state of her home and living conditions. Pat is an 84yr old senior with limited mobility and taking care of her mobile home had gotten away from her. Not only was the water not working (due to a leak) and there was years’ worth of clutter and debris, the flooring in her mobile home had structural issues. On top of these large issues, there were dozens of minor home safety issues that made her home a dangerous place to live. We sent our team of Home Repair Technicians and repaired her flooring, got her water running again, and completed numerous improvements that helped make her home safe again. It was truly heart moving to see her gain a sense of independence because she could once again move around her home and use her kitchen safely.


Client 2 – Edith

Since Hurricane Irma, Edith has been living in a home unsafe for habitation. The home had serious roof damage, active leaks, and mold throughout the home. On top of the most pressing issues, Edith was not able to access almost half of her home because of limited lighting and damage. In addition to the dire situation in her home, Edith undergoes dialysis three times a week because of ongoing medical issues. As an Area Agency on Aging client, we were able to provide numerous home improvements and chores to make her home safe to live in. In Edith’s situation, we were also able to use additional grant funding to support the significant repairs from Hurricane Irma. In addition, support from the United Way helped us provide Edith with a new roof, mold remediation, and repairs. When she moved back into her home was so thankful, she said she had been praying for a miracle and we were that miracle.


Client 3 – Julia

Julia was having difficulty accessing her bedroom and bathroom because of her confinement to a wheelchair. We widened both her bedroom and bathroom doors to provide clear access. She no longer had to struggle attempting to maneuver her wheelchair while banging into walls to get in and out of her bedroom and bathroom. Julia was happy she could now move around the house with ease.


Client 4 - Joyce

Joyce had a major flood in her bathroom due to a plumbing leak in the wall. We had to remove the tub in order to repair the leak. After repairing the leak in the wall, we converted the tub to a shower in order to provide easier access for Joyce to bathe moving forward. Joyce was elated and pleased with her new shower.