Programs & Services

Good nutrition is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle for seniors. Healthy Food Assistance is available to low-income, Broward County families and seniors. Learn more on how to qualify for Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meal Sites.

Health & Wellness classes are available that cover a variety of health-related topics. Learn how to Participate in fitness activities and learn the benefits of adopting behaviors associated with healthy and successful aging.

Help is available for seniors seeking minor home repairs or needing help with their energy bills. Find out more information and see if you qualify.

SHINE assists seniors with health insurance claims, questions, prescription plans comparisons and assistance, and Long-Term Care options and planning.

Senior Centers provide services for elders such as recreation, meals, transportation, classes and other activities. Day Care Centers provide facility-based programs for frail elderly who are able to reside at home and travel to other locales if supervision is available.

Eligible seniors may qualify for transportation services. Transportation is provide through our Senior Centers and Daycare Centers. We also work closely with Broward County Transit (BCT). Learn more about transportation.
Who We Are
The Areawide Council on Aging, Inc. of Broward County d/b/a The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County AAABC is a nonprofit organization serving Broward County's senior residents, age 60 or older. The AAABC is part of a State Network which contains a total of 11 Area Agencies on Aging in the State of Florida which each have their own planning and service areas (PSAs). The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County is designated as PSA 10 and is the only PSA comprised of one county, Broward County.
The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County also administers the Aging and Disability Resource Center which serves adults over 60 as well as individuals 18 years of age or older who have been diagnosed with dementia or live with a disability. The ADRC is part of a single, coordinated system for information and access to services for all Floridians seeking long-term care resources. The ADRC provides information and assistance about state and federal benefits, as well as available local programs and services.

About ADRC
Who We Are
The Areawide Council on Aging, Inc. of Broward County d/b/a The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County (AAA) is a nonprofit organization serving Broward County's senior residents, age 60 or older. The AAA is part of a State Network which contains a total of 11 Area Agencies on Aging in the State of Florida which each have their own planning and service areas (PSAs). The AAA of Broward is designated as PSA 10 and is the only PSA comprised of one county, Broward County.
The AAA also administers the Aging and Disability Resource Center which serves adults over 60 as well as individuals 18 years of age or older who have been diagnosed with dementia or live with a disability. The ADRC is part of a single, coordinated system for information and access to services for all Floridians seeking long-term care resources. The ADRC provides information and assistance about state and federal benefits, as well as available local programs and services.
AAABC Events
Thank you for supporting Broward's seniors by joining us for an afternoon of food and fashion! Click here for more information.

Featured Success Story
Success at West Park Senior Center
Charlotte Westbrook is a 69-year old who loves to do active things such as playing cards, walking, and playing board games., These activities became a struggle with the loss of her husband. She wanted to continue living an active life on her own but didn't know where to start. Until one day, a friend told her about the City of West Park Senior Program, and she decided to come check it out. Ms. Westbrook informed the center that she started becoming depressed and needed help.
After visiting, she signed a registration form and started being an everyday member of West Park Senior Center. Ms. Westbrook states that - "I love coming to the senior center, it helped me out of feeling depressed, and being around other seniors keeps me active and going. Also, I recently lost my daughter, and the seniors all were so supportive and helped me through my loss." We are proud to have Ms. Westbrook as part of our Senior Program.

Featured Success Story
Success at West Park Senior Center
Charlotte Westbrook is a 69-year old who loves to do active things such as playing cards, walking, and playing board games., These activities became a struggle with the loss of her husband. She wanted to continue living an active life on her own but didn't know where to start. Until one day, a friend told her about the City of West Park Senior Program, and she decided to come check it out. Ms. Westbrook informed the center that she started becoming depressed and needed help.
After visiting, she signed a registration form and started being an everyday member of West Park Senior Center. Ms. Westbrook states that - "I love coming to the senior center, it helped me out of feeling depressed, and being around other seniors keeps me active and going. Also, I recently lost my daughter, and the seniors all were so supportive and helped me through my loss." We are proud to have Ms. Westbrook as part of our Senior Program.

Featured Success Story
Success at West Park Senior Center
Charlotte Westbrook is a 69-year old who loves to do active things such as playing cards, walking, and playing board games., These activities became a struggle with the loss of her husband. She wanted to continue living an active life on her own but didn't know where to start. Until one day, a friend told her about the City of West Park Senior Program, and she decided to come check it out. Ms. Westbrook informed the center that she started becoming depressed and needed help.
After visiting, she signed a registration form and started being an everyday member of West Park Senior Center. Ms. Westbrook states that - "I love coming to the senior center, it helped me out of feeling depressed, and being around other seniors keeps me active and going. Also, I recently lost my daughter, and the seniors all were so supportive and helped me through my loss." We are proud to have Ms. Westbrook as part of our Senior Program.