Dr. Nan S. Hutchison Broward Senior Hall of Fame
About the Event
Please join the Area Agency on Aging of Broward County (AAABC) as we continue to honor the tradition of recognizing outstanding Broward senior volunteers, age 60 or older, and their contributions to the community.
Nominations Are Now Open!
Click HERE to Nominate An Outstanding Senior
Can’t submit electronically?
Please email nominations@adrcbroward.org to be sent a paper form.
Senior Hall of Fame Nominee Criteria:
Be age 60 or older
Be a resident of Broward County, FL
Be making/have made a profound difference and impact in Broward County, FL for 5 or more years
Nomination deadline: Friday, February 18, 2022
The Awardees will be honored at the 38th Annual Dr. Nan S. Hutchison Broward Senior Hall of Fame in May 2022. Their names will be etched on a plaque that is displayed in the Broward County Government Building.